Wealth Management

Corporate Liquidity Profit

Corporate Liquidity Profit is a value-added service for current accounts, offering enhanced management and optimization of corporate funds. The service includes two main products: "Liquidity B" and "Liquidity C."

Product Features

  • Automatic Notice and Transfer: "Liquidity B" enables automatic notice and transfer based on notice savings, ensuring seamless fund management.
  • Optimal Interest Mix: "Liquidity C" offers an optimal interest mix by combining the benefits of notice deposits and term deposits.
  • T+0 Fund Utilization: Both products allow for T+0 (same-day) fund utilization, providing immediate access to funds.
  • Multiple Currencies: "Liquidity B" supports multiple currencies including RMB, USD, Euro, HKD, and JPY, whereas "Liquidity C" is only applicable to RMB.
  • Easy Subscription: These products can be subscribed to either over the counter or online, offering convenience and flexibility to users.

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